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Maps and charts
Welcome to the European Environment Agency's (EEA) data visualisations page, where you can explore interactive maps , charts , dashboards , and infographics that bring environmental data to life. ...
Report guidelines
EEA report guidelines About reports Reports provide an in-depth analysis of a topic for an audience that may include policymakers, experts in the field or the general public. ...
Briefing guidelines
EEA briefing guidelines About online briefings Online briefings provide decision-makers with a summary of the main points concerning a topic. ...
Data Requirement guide
Data and metadata requirement guide Version 4, 2021 Data requirement guide Page 1 of 29 EEA operational guidelines Data and metadata requirement guide ... February 2021 Version 4 Version 4, 2021 Data requirement guide Page 2 of 29 Introduction This is a guideline on the requirements for maps, charts ...
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Improved dashboard harmonisation guidelines
Towards draft guidelines for EEA’s dashboards harmonization Roger Milego (UAB) ETC partners: S4E, UMA, GISAT, UAB EEA task manager: Sebastien Petit EEA deliverable lead: Eva Ivits Support from COM: Gaia ... Summary of proposed guidelines 26 Annex 1. Example filled-in template for dashboard development 28 Table of Figures Figure 1. EEA’s Audience segmentation 5 Figure 2. ...
Slovenia launches seven-year project to boost climate change resilience
The EU-funded project dubbed Life4Adapt will see the Environment Agency set up a national centre for climate analysis and forecast providing detailed guidelines for adapting to climate change. ...
Nutrients in water bodies in the EU-27
The top charts show trends in nitrate (NO3) levels and the bottom charts show trends in phosphorus (P) and phosphate (PO4) levels. ...
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Amounts and share of waste deposited in landfills, by type of waste category, EU-27
The figure combines two charts. The stacked chart shows amounts and percentage of waste (excluding major mineral waste) deposited in landfills in the EU-27. ...
National Energy and Climate Progress Reporting (NECPR)
Reporting guidelines Dataflow 1: Progress to targets (GHG) under Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action (Implementing Regulation 2022/2299, Annex 1) National Energy ... 2022/2299, Annex 2 and 16) Reporting guidelines Dataflow 3: Adaptation under Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action (Implementing Regulation 2022/2299, Annex 3) ... Reporting guidelines Dataflow 4 and 17: Energy efficiency under Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on Governance of the Energy Union and Climate ...