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EU indicator framework for chemicals

The chemicals strategy for sustainability towards a toxic-free environment (CSS) embraces two overarching goals of the chemicals legislation: preventing harm to people and the planet from hazardous chemicals and their toxic effects and supporting EU …

16 Apr 2024
Topics: Environmental health impacts, Pollution, Production and consumption
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EU indicator framework for chemicals

The Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability ( CSS ) is part of the EU’s Zero Pollution ambition . The CSS aims to prevent harm to people and the environment from hazardous chemicals and support the EU industry in producing safe and sustainable chemical…

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Maps and chartsChart (interactive),

Nitrate in groundwater (Indicator)

Key messages: Nitrate concentrations in EU groundwater did not change significantly between 2000 and 2022. The number of groundwater monitoring stations with nitrate concentrations greater than 50 mg/l has not been reduced.

3 Mar 2025
Topics: Agriculture and food, Water, Pollution
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Indicator template

Summary This section contains the indicator at the aggregate level, i.e. EU, global or regional level. The information contained here explains the indicator’s key focus. ... Summary (Hard maximum of 500 characters without spaces) The summary tells the reader about the indicator trend over the examined period and whether it helps achieve the associated policy objective, which ...


OSPAR indicator

Cetaceans are widely distributed and abundant in the OSPAR Maritime Area. They are challenging to monitor. There is no evidence of changes in abundance for white-beaked dolphin, minke whale and harbour porpoise since 1994; there is insufficient evide…


Indicator test

All official European Union website addresses are in the domain. PageCreated 13 May 2024Published 30 May 2024Modified 03 Jun 2024

Maps and chartsChart (interactive),

Nutrients in freshwater in Europe (Indicator)

Key messages: Nutrient conditions in European surface waters improved between the 1990s and the 2000s but concentration trends have tended to level off in recent years, especially for rivers. There has been no overall decrease in nitrate concentratio…

3 Mar 2025
Topics: Water, Air pollution, Agriculture and food
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Maps and chartsChart (interactive),

Microplastic releases to the environment (Indicator)

Key Messages: Microplastic releases to the environment slightly increased by 7-9% in the EU between 2016 and 2022. Recent EU legal measures on microplastic releases are expected to facilitate reducing microplastic pollution.

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Maps and chartsChart (interactive),

Waste generation in Europe (Indicator)

Key messages: Waste generation continues increasing in the EU, with a slight decrease of 0.5% between 2010 and 2022, with a sharp decrease between 2018 and 2020, which might be due to economic slowdown linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.When major miner…

3 Mar 2025
Topics: Waste and recycling, Pollution
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Water Framework Directive

This section is dedicated to the Water Framework Directive and presents the results on the status and pressures on groundwater and surface waters in Europe, based on data reported electronically to EEA ...

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Showing 1 to 10 results out of 2442, searching for "indicator framework".