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Progress in the management of contaminated sites (Indicator)
However, projections for the EU-27 indicate that the total number of potentially contaminated sites is 2.8 million . ... In 2016, 1.38 million potentially contaminated sites were registered by 23 Member States. 69% of those have been confirmed by on-site investigations. ... Among the potentially contaminated sites registered, only 8.3% were remediated as of 2016, hence progress in remediation is relatively low . ...
Potentially contaminated sites in the EU, as registered in national inventories
The figure presents the trend in the number of registered potentially contaminated sites in 2006, 2011 and 2016. ...
Site status in contaminated sites management
This table presents the definition of six management steps (site status) which characterise the management status of contaminated sites. ...
However, the majority of EU soils are considered unhealthy, with potentially 2.8 million sites being contaminated. ...
Percentage of contaminated sites by polluting activity related to the extractive sector
The data reflects the percentage of all reported contaminated sites, without considering site size or the type of activity. ... Sites are locations where soil contamination has been verified by site investigations. ...
Low impact development
LID is a toolbox of site-scale practices that the site designer and developer can utilize to: manage urban rainfall where it occurs for minimized stormwater concentration and runoff potentially lower short-term ... and long-term development costs improve water quality enhance natural habitat and flood control improve green space aesthetics and potentially increase property values increase community quality of life ...
Progress in the management of contaminated sites in Europe
A recent conservative projection estimates that the EU has 2.8 million potentially contaminated sites. Current efforts to monitor and remediate these sites vary markedly across Member States. ...
SOLUTIONS project output simulating the impact of chemical mixtures on a potentially affected fraction of species (msPAF) and highlighting regions where there could be significant chemical pollution pressure on freshwater species
This map shows a mixture toxicity metric called multi-substance Potentially Affected Fraction of species (msPAF). ... For individual substances, the Potentially Affected Fraction of species (PAF) is derived from the results from laboratory toxicity tests, as the fraction of the tested species that would show effects if ... The above has been applied to the simulated concentrations of 1,785 chemicals on 365 consecutive days, and the 95 percentile of the results per site have been mapped. ...
Progress in the management of contaminated sites in the EU, total number of recorded remediated sites
The figure presents the trend in the number of remediated sites reported by countries for three different time periods.
PFAS contamination and soil remediation (Signal)
Around PFAS hotspots people are mainly exposed via contaminated drinking water and food. Additional hotspots are likely to be identified in the future. ...