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Annex 8. Air traffic management
2022 - Digitalisation in the mobility system: challenges and opportunities Transport and environment report 2022 | Digitalisation in the mobility system: challenges and opportunities 190 Annex 8 Air traffic ... management 191Transport and environment report 2022 | Digitalisation in the mobility system: challenges and opportunities Annex 8 Air traffic management A-S-I: improve (reduce emissions and noise ... through optimisation of operations) Context: passenger and freight air transport Time frame: short to medium A8.1 Definition Air traffic management (ATM) is the term normally used in the aviation ...
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Annex 8: Air traffic management
Key messages Digitalisation can play an active role in optimising ATM, increasing fuel efficiency and limiting non-CO2 effects such as stable contrails in ice-supersaturated regions. The aviation sector is very complex, with many stakeholders involve…
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How traffic increases urban heat stress
Hence, traffic in cities contributes substantially to increase heat-related health risks and reduces citizens’ quality of life. ...
Traffic increases urban heat stress substantially
Hence, traffic in cities contributes substantially to increase heat-related health risks and reduces citizens’ quality of life. ...
1.A.3.a Aviation 2023
EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2023 1 Category Title NFR: 1.A.3.a, 1.A.5.b * Aviation SNAP: 080501 080502 080503 080504 080100 Domestic airport traffic ... (LTO cycles — ≤ 3000 ft (914.4 m)) International airport traffic (LTO cycles — ≤ 3000 ft (914.4 m)) Domestic cruise traffic (> 3000 ft (914.4 m)) International cruise traffic (> 3000 ft (914.4 m ...
ETC HE Report 2024/10: Evaluation of the benefits of green space on noise-related effects: a health impact assessment on annoyance
This report assesses the potential health benefits of reducing noise annoyance from road traffic and railway noise by increasing green space exposure in European agglomerations. ... The findings show that increased green space availability could reduce the number of highly noise-annoyed adults by up to 9.6% for road traffic noise and 6.8% for railway noise, potentially preventing ...
Estimated percentage of inhabitants within urban areas exposed to unhealthy road traffic noise levels, based on Environmental Noise Directive thresholds, in 2022
This figure and map show the estimated percentage of inhabitants within urban areas exposed to unhealthy road traffic noise levels, based on the Environmental Noise Directive Thresholds. ...
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1.A.3.d Navigation (shipping) 2023
navigation, international inland navigation, national navigation (shipping), national fishing, military (shipping), and recreational boats SNAP 080402 080403 080404 080304 National sea traffic ... within EMEP area National fishing International sea traffic (international bunkers) Inland goods carrying vessels ISIC Version Guidebook 2023 Last update ...
Traffic management in Berlin, Germany
Air quality issue In Berlin, the EU annual air quality limit value for NO2 of 40µg/m3 was persistently exceeded on several main roads with heavy traffic in the period from 1990 up to 2020. ... Road traffic accounted for 75% of emissions causing these exceedances. ...
Oil spills in Europe’s seas (Signal)New
This is primarily due to high maritime traffic, extensive offshore oil and gas production in the North Sea and industrial activities along the Mediterranean coast. ...
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