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Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs in the North Sea

Plastic Particles in Fulmar Stomachs in the North Sea ...


Health and environment impacts of air pollution exposure remain high across Europe

Just under 240,000 deaths per year in the European Union can be attributed to exposure to fine particulate matter, a key air pollutant, according to the latest European Environment Agency (EEA) air quality health impact assessment published today as …

10 Dec 2024
Topics: Air pollution, Environmental health impacts, Biodiversity
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Air pollution

Key messages In recent decades, policy measures and subsequent technological developments have led to a decrease in emissions for most air pollutants related to transport activity in the EU-27; with variations ranging from -90.4% to -46.1%, depending…

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Maps and chartsMap (interactive)

Air pollution | EEHA - Health Atlas

Fine particles, also called PM₂.₅, are the most hazardous air pollutants commonly found in ambient air. They can cause a wide range of negative health impacts and affect several organs in our bodies. ... Higher concentrations (orange to red) are more hazardous than lower concentrations (green), but there is no safe concentration of fine particles. ...

26 May 2023
Topics: Environmental health impacts

Air pollution

Air pollution affects cardiovascular health, particularly through long term exposures to fine particles and nitrogen dioxide. ...

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Maps and chartsFigure (chart/map)

Industrial releases of pollutants to air and economic activity in the EU-27, 2010-2020

PM10 = particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometres. SOX = sulphur oxides. ...

12 Dec 2022
Topics: Industry, Air pollution
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Air pollution quick country facts

According to latest EEA estimates , at least 239,000 deaths in the EU in 2022 were attributable to exposure to fine particulate matter (PM 2.5 ) pollution above the WHO recommended concentration of 5 µg/m 3 . 70,000 deaths are attributable to exposur…


ETC HE Report 2022/21: Emissions of ammonia and methane from the agricultural sector. Emissions from livestock farming.

While ammonia contributes to the formation of secondary particles, methane is a greenhouse gas, a precursor of ozone and can have an indirect effect on particle concentrations. ...


Air signals

This section of the zero pollution monitoring assessment presents a series of short case studies that highlight additional sources of information on the impacts of air pollution on health.

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Maps and chartsFigure (chart/map)

Trends in population-weighted average annual concentrations of PM2.5 in the most disadvantaged and least disadvantaged quintiles of EU-27 NUTS 3 regions, 2007-2019

The graph represents the trend of annual average annual concentrations of particles of a diameter of less than 2.5 microns in ambient air concentration, weighted by population, by year and for the entire ...

9 Dec 2022
Topics: Environmental health impacts, Air pollution
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Showing 1 to 10 results out of 201, searching for "ultrafine particles".